原本企圖整合兩個字型成為一個新字型,不過馬上遇到授權問題。Cantarell 從 2010 年起採用 SIL OFL 而放棄 GPLv3[0],cwTeX 與其衍生作品則採用 GPLv2+。麻煩的地方就在 SIL OFL 與 GPL 不相容[1]。 Cantarell 的 COPYING 檔案寫道: The fonts were initially published on the 6th of July 2009 on Dave Crossland's foundry website under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. In May 2010 the fonts were republished through Google Web Fonts under the terms of the SIL Open Font License version 1.1. In November 2010 the project became part of the GNOME project and is now under active development by the GNOME design community. Dave Crossland, 21st March 2011 之所以與 GPL 不相容,是因為 SIL OFL 中有個規定,在 Section 5 of SIL OFL 1.1 寫道: "The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed under any other license." 這與 GNU GPL 不相容,因為 GNU GPL 也有類似的聲明,要求整個作品必須基於 GNU GPL;而 SIL OFL 則要求衍生品只能採用 SIL OFL。 好了,所以要整合兩個字型,有四個辦法:一、挖出 GPL 版的 Cantarell,拿來與 cwTeX 衍生品整合就沒煩惱 ...