Configuratin 組態, Layout 配置, Allocation 分配, Configure 組態設定/調整某組態, Profile (特性/個人)設定檔/個人檔案/色彩描述檔, Setting 設定
Configuration 和 Layout 的譯詞比較混亂,大家各行其事,有自己的翻譯方案。 Configuration 在台灣的資訊領域中,Configuration 最常見的翻譯為「組態」,即組合型態,那為什麼說是組合型態呢? Configuration: 構成部分(成分)或其元素的相對安排 (Merriam-Webster) relative arrangement of parts or elements: such as (1) shape 外形安排 (2) contour of land 地貌排列 例:configuration of the mountains (3) functional arrangement 功能編排 例:a small business computer system in its simplest configuration 某物的成分或一組事物的構成安排; 如此的安排 可形塑成某外型或形狀 (Oxford Learner's) an arrangement of the parts of something or a group of things; the form or shape that this arrangement produces 例:The design is based on four configurations of squares 電腦)構成電腦系統的設備和程式,以及使其得以運行的設置方式 (Oxford Learner's) computing) the equipment and programs that form a computer system and the way that these are set up to run 例:Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. 綜合以上來看,可簡單理解為「構成某事物,使其展現出某型態或功能的成分安排」,所以將 Configuration 翻譯成「組態」,是很適宜、貼切的翻譯呢! Configure 其動詞 Configure,就是指