
Define: Taiwanese

1. 基本臺灣人環境 Basic Taiwanese Environment
  • 臺灣人的使用者手冊、指南 Taiwanese User Manual & User Guide
  • 桌面環境介紹 Desktop Introduce
  • 軟體介面翻譯 Translation

What do we need?
  1. Translation Team 
  2. Translation and Team Guidelines 
  3. Standardized Term-translation

2. 改善漢語中文環境 Enhanced Chinese Environment (目前僅專注於改善國語環境,未及閩南語、客家語、原住民語等 Now this is not expanded to Taiwanese or Austronesian yet, but only Chinese.)

  • 輸入法 Input Method => 導入「反查所輸入的字元」和「手寫輸入」等功能
  • 字型 Font => 完整的 CJK 支援和臺灣區字形寫法 complete CJK support and complete variant gylphs
  • 動態組字技術
  • 完備基本排版用字型(如明體、楷體、黑體、圓體、仿宋體、隸書體 Font types include Ming, Kai, Hei, FangSong, Lishu)
  • 提升自由 Widget/Toolkit 更好的中文支援 Better Chinese support for programming widget => Qt bugs cleanup
  • 改善日常程式的中文支援和文化支援(如 OpenOffice.org 直書改善、Gimp 毛筆書法筆刷) Better Chinese support for daily programs => OpenOffice.org vertical text orientation improvement, Chinese calligraphy brush for Gimp etc.
What do we need?
  1. Background Knowledge 
  2. 技術 
  3. 字型建構團隊 
  4. Programming Team

3. 終極目標 - 整合臺灣文化 Ultimate Goal - Taiwanese Culture Integration
(目前僅專注於改善國語環境,未及閩南語、客家語、原住民語等 Now this is not expanded to Taiwanese or Austronesian yet, but only Chinese.)
  • 增加具備臺灣人日常文化特色的程式(如可連線對戰之象棋遊戲、農民曆支援、易經卜卦、字典或辭典等) Introduce a high-quality Chinese Chess game
  • 中文經典書庫查詢系統(如三字經、唐詩、宋詞、元曲、四書五經、黃帝內經、傷寒論、六祖壇經……) from basic to advanced (or elememtary to college) include 三字經, 唐詩, 宋詞, 元曲, 四書五經, etc.
What do we need?
  1. Programming Team
  2. 轉錄經典與校訂的人力
  3. 經典註解



直行橫列,以及 line (列/行), column (欄), row (列)


Permission 權能/取用權; Permission denied 取用遭拒; Ask for permission 請求權能/取用權; Don't have the right permission to 沒有權能/無權