
目前顯示的是 10月, 2014的文章

Blender 精要第二章

經過了許久,約莫一年後,才有時間繼續翻譯 Blender 精要第二章。忙碌的實習生活,畢業後準備國考,又緊接著入伍新訓、專訓,最近才開始有一些自己的時間。 第二章的難度,在於 Blender 2.48 與 2.6 以後版本介面上有大幅度的變化,所以要去找資料輔助改作,比單純翻譯花了更多時間。插圖部份該另外拍攝的也拍了,只差幾張預備等後續有相關實作時再補上。 也由於內容有重新編排,所以圖幾圖幾的順序有被打亂了,這個未來有空會再重新標號,現在就先放在那吧~XD 歡迎想要認識 Blender 的朋友閱讀,也可以給點建議。 Blender 精要第二章:介面簡介 http://the-essential-blender-zh-tw.logdown.com/posts/154836-2nd-chapter-the-blender-interface


目前還在服役中。雖然有些空閒時間,不過早時要早起,所以睡眠不能太晚,可以自由運用的時間約莫 2 小時。 這段期間內打算經營的項目有: 靜嘉黑體改善與ㄅㄆㄇㄈ繪製 Design with Fontforge 翻譯 Blender 書籍繼續翻譯 (已停滯一年) Blender 翻譯 閱讀以前就打算要讀,但礙於時間卻還沒讀的書。 不過如果都投入作業項目,閱讀項目似乎仍會停滯… 魚與熊掌不可兼得啊! 總之,好好規劃,把握時光,盡早完成目標吧!加油!

compile poedit 1.8.1 on fedora 22

I am using fedora 22 as example here. Not sure f21 or before could be OK or not. Build Requirements sudo dnf builddep poedit  yum install asciidoc xmlto gcc-c++ gtkspell3-devel wxGTK3-devel cmake automake libdb-cxx-devel      => not needed since f22 since builddep will do this for you LucenePlusPlus  https://github.com/luceneplusplus/LucenePlusPlus PS: LucenePlusPlus is now included in Fedora 21 as lucene++-devel package and you don't have to manually compile it yourself.  git clone git://github.com/luceneplusplus/LucenePlusPlus.git PS. building with 3.0.6 release will fail. Install cmake first if you have no cmake on your system.  sudo yum install cmake  cd LucenePlusPlus  mkdir build  cd build  cmake ..  make Note: This step will take you much time. You can make a tea or coffee and do whatever you want here.  [sudo] make install Then you can see the summary of the installation. You have to ...

compile fontforge on fedora 23+

sudo dnf builddep fontforge git clone git://github.com/fontforge/fontforge.git cd fontforge ./bootstrap ./configure make [sudo] make install