Fontforge 開發者採訪(2007年5月)─ 中英對照版
OSP, Interview with George Williams, Fontforge developer, July 8th, 2007. Copyleft: This is a free work, you can copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the Free Art License Interview with George Williams, Fontforge developer Fontforge 開發者 George Williams 的採訪 (…) I think the ideas behind it are beautiful in my mind — and in some sense I find the user interface beautiful. I’m not sure that anyone else in the world does, because it’s what I want, but I think it’s beautiful. (George Williams, May 2007) 「(略⋯)我想其後的概念對我來說就是美的表現 - 其實我也覺得使用介面滿美的。我不確定世上其他人是怎麼想的,但那就是我所要的,因而覺得美。」喬治.威廉斯,2007年5月。 訪問內容 OSP: We‘re doing these interviews, as we’re working as designers on OpenSource OSP:我們是以開源界設計師的身份來做相關的採訪。 G: OK 喬治:了解。 OSP: With OpenSource tools, as typographers, but often when we speak to developers they say “well, tell me what you want,” ...